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[摘要] 目的 为了解目前南充市农田土壤中蛔虫卵污染情况,探讨影响土壤污染的主要原因,为当地寄生虫病防治 工作提供科学依据。方法 采用分层随机抽样方法选取南充市 3 个区县,2011-2016 年共采集农田土壤 360 份监测蛔 虫卵及蛔虫活卵数,调查农户家庭情况 1 800 户,不同组别检出率比较采用 χ2 检验,组间两两比较采用 χ2 检验。结 果 蛔虫卵检出率91. 67%,蛔虫活卵检出率65. 83%; 调查农户中非卫生厕所使用率44. 61%,卫生厕所55. 39%; 粪 便利用率 57. 67%,其中 88. 05%直接施肥,6. 17%土埋后施肥,5. 78%高温堆肥; 17. 00%农户随意丢弃生活垃圾, 32. 61%随意排放生活污水; 55. 33%将生活污水排入农田,11. 44%排入无害化卫生厕所; 大部分农户房屋周边都有家 禽圈 ( 74. 50%) 和猪圈 ( 62. 56%) ; 55. 50%农户表示饭前便后洗手,4. 44%饭前便后不洗手。结论 南充市农田土 壤蛔虫卵污染状况比较严重,应进一步推进农村改厕工作,实现粪便无害化处理,控制或减少寄生虫病的发生和传 播,同时广泛开展宣传教育活动,提高农户健康保护意识。 [关键词]蛔虫卵; 农田土壤; 污染
[中图分类号] R532. 1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-2116 ( 2017) 04-193-04
作者单位: 南充市疾病预防控制中心 ( 四川 南充 637000)
通信作者: 甘霖 ( 1982-) ,女,硕士,主管医师,环境与 学校卫生,Email: 79034207@ qq. com
Ascaris Eggs Contamination Situation in the Farmland Soil of Nanchong From 2011 to 2016
Abstract Objective To understand the ascaris eggs contamination situation in the farmland soil of Nanchong at present,and to explore the influence of the main causes of soil pollution,and to provided the scientific basis for local parasitic disease prevention and control. Methods Three towns of Nanchong were selected by the stratified-random sampling method. Three hundred and sixty farmland soil samples were collected from 2011 to 2016 for monitor ascaris eggs and live ascaris eggs. This study investigated 1 800 farmers. Every group was used χ2 test for the detection rate. The detection rates between different groups were compared with the χ2 test. Results The detection rate of ascaris eggs was 91. 67%,the detection rate of live fertilized ascaris eggs was 65. 83%. Non-sanitary latrine utilization rate was 55. 39%. The proportion of non-sanitary latrine in the surveyed households was 44. 61%,and the proportion of sanitary latrine was 55. 39%. About 57. 67% of feces were used as fertilizer,88. 05% of feces were directly used for fertilization,6. 17% of the feces were soiled for fertilization,and 5. 78% was subjected to high temperature composting for fertilization. The solid wastes ( 17. 00%) and sewage ( 32. 61%) from many households still stayed untreated. There were 55. 33% of sewage discharged into farmland,and 11. 44% waste water discharged into non-hazardous sanitary latrine. Most of the farmers around the house had poultry ( 74. 50%) and pigsty ( 62. 56%) circle. Among 55. 50% of the farmers will wash their handsbefore eating and after using the toilet,4. 44% of farmers will not. Conclusion The situation of ascaris eggs contamination situation in the farmland soil of Nanchong city was more serious,we should further promote the rural toilets work to achieve fecal harmless treatment,to control or reduce the occurrence and spread of parasitic diseases,while extensive publicity and education activities should been taken to raise the awareness of farmers’health protection.
Key words ascaris eggs; farmland soil; contamination