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2017 年新疆维吾尔自治区国家级乙肝监测县 1~29 岁人群乙肝表面抗原和抗体水平调查


[摘要] 目的 掌握新疆 1~29 岁人群乙肝流行状况,了解乙肝表面抗体水平情况,评价乙肝防控效果。方法 采用 分层二阶段随机抽样的方法,从新疆 5 个国家级乙肝监测县抽取 1~29 岁人群 918 名,用酶联免疫吸附试验 ( ELISA) 进行乙肝表面抗原 ( HBsAg) 和表面抗体 ( HBsAb) 检测。结果 新疆 1~29 岁人群 HBsAg 阳性率为 2. 94%,HBsAb 阳性率为 55. 56%。南疆地区 HBsAg 阳性率较高,HBsAb 阳性率较低。HBsAg 阳性率城市为 0. 62%,农村为 4. 20%, 农村高于城市; HBsAb 阳性率城市为 74. 61%,农村为 45. 21%,城市高于农村。1~ 15 岁组 HBsAg 阳性率相对较低 ( 1. 38%) ; 26~29 岁组 HBsAb 阳性率相对较低 ( 39. 58%) 。男性 HBsAg 阳性率 2. 86%,女性 3. 02%; 男性 HBsAb 阳 性率 56. 39%,女性 54. 74%。维吾尔族 HBsAg 阳性率为 3. 80%,高于平均水平 ( 2. 94%) ; 维吾尔族和其他民族的 HBsAb 阳性率 ( 44. 85%和 48. 24%) 均低于平均水平 ( 55. 56%) 。结论 新疆乙肝防控效果显著,1~15 岁乙肝疫苗 纳入免疫规划后出生人群 HBsAg 阳性率已明显降低,应进一步加强南疆地区、农村地区和维吾尔族人群的乙肝防控 工作。 

[关键词]乙肝; 表面抗原; 表面抗体 

[中图分类号] R446. 6 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-2116 ( 2018) 02-060-05

作者单位: 新疆维吾尔自治区疾病预防控制中心 ( 乌鲁木齐 830011) 

作者简介: 关静 ( 1978-) ,女,硕士,副主任医师,免疫规划 

通信作者: 符文慧 ( 1988-) ,女,硕士,主管医师,免疫规划,Email:513115923 @ qq. com

Analysis on the Surface Antigen and Antibody Level to Hepatitis B of People From 1 to 29 Years Old in National Hepatitis B Monitoring Counties of Xinjiang in 2017

GUAN Jing,FU Wenhui Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Urumqi 830011,Xinjiang Province,China.

Abstract Objective To investigate the prevalence of hepatitis B and hepatitis B surface antibody level of people aged from 1-29 years old in Xinjiang,and evaluate the effect of hepatitis B prevention and control. Methods The paper selected 918 people from five national hepatitis B monitoring counties in Xinjiang by stratified two-phase random sampling method. HBsAg and HBsAb were tested by ELISA method. Results HBsAg positive rate of people aged from 1-29 years old in Xinjiang was 2. 94%,and HBsAb positive rate was 55. 56%. In southern region of Xinjiang,HBsAg positive rate was highest while HBsAb positive rate was low. HBsAg positive rate was 0. 62% in urban,which was lower than the rural’s ( 4. 20%) . HBsAb positive rate was 74. 61% in urban,higher than the 45. 21% in rural. The HBsAg positive rate among 1-15 years old group was rather lower ( 1. 38%) . The HBsAb positive rate among 26-29 years old group was rather lower ( 39. 85%) . HBsAg positive rates were 2. 86% in men and 3. 02% in women,and for HBsAb positive rates were 56. 39% in men and 54. 74% in women. HBsAg positive rate in Uigur was 3. 8%,which was higher than the average ( 2. 94 %) . HBsAb positive rates in Uigur and other nationalities were 44. 85% and 48. 24%, which were lower than the average ( 55. 56%) . Conclusion Xinjiang made outstanding achievements in hepatitis B prevention and control. HBsAg prevalence among people aged 1-15 years old decreased,for the hepatitis B vaccine was integrated into expanded immunization program. Given the results, the prevention and control of hepatitis B in southern region and rural areas and among the Uigur of Xinjiang should be further strengthened. 

Key words hepatitis B; hepatitis B surface antigen; hepatitis B surface antibody

点击下载文献:2017 年新疆维吾尔自治区国家级乙肝监测县1~29 岁人群乙肝表面抗原和抗体水平调查.pdf