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[摘要]目的 总结目前肝包虫病的诊断与治疗方法,为肝包虫病的临床治疗提供一定的参考依据。方法 通过查阅国内 外关于肝包虫病的诊断与治疗方面的相关文献,对肝包虫病的诊断与治疗方法的优缺点进行分析总结。结果 对于肝包 虫病的诊断,应结合患者流行病史、临床表现、影像学检查和实验室检查作出明确诊断。肝包虫病的主要治疗方法是手术 治疗和药物治疗,因其病种和病情不同而治疗方式不同。结论 在目前肝包虫病的诊断方法基础上,不断提高诊断技术, 为临床治疗提供更好的指导。手术治疗是目前治疗肝包虫病的首选治疗方式,药物治疗也在肝包虫病的治疗上起着一定 的作用,在治疗过程中应根据患者病情制定不同的治疗方案。 


[中图分类号]R657. 3 [文献标识码]B [文章编号] 1672-2116( 2018) 01-047-05

作者单位:1 青海大学 ( 西宁 810016) 

                 2 青海省人民医院 ( 西宁 810007) 

作者简介:王永珍( 1989-) ,男,在读硕士,包虫病治疗方式及 预后, E-mail: wyzmed@ 163. com 

通信作者:郭亚民( 1960-) ,男,硕士研究生导师,主任医师, 肝胆胰外科, E-mail: gym135@ yeah. net

Progress in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatic Echinococcosis

Wang Yongzhen1,Han Xiumin2,Guo Yamin2 1 Qinghai University, Xi Ning 810016,Qinhai Province,China. 2 Qinghai Provincial People’s Hospital, Xi Ning 810007,Qinhai Province,China.

Abstract Objective To summarize the current diagnosis and treatment of hepatic echinococcosis and provide some references for the clinical treatment of hepatic echinococcosis. Methods By referring to the domestic and international literature on the diagnosis and treatment of hepatic echinococcosis,the advantages and disadvantages of the diagnosis and treatment of hepatic echinococcosis were analyzed and summarized. Results For the diagnosis of hepatic echinococcosis,we should combine the patient’ s epidemic history,clinical manifestations, imageology and laboratory examinations to make a clear diagnosis. The main treatments of hepatic echinococcosis were mainly relies on surgery and drug therapy,and the treatments depended on the patient's condition and disease. Conclusion Based on the current diagnosis of hepatic echinococcosis,the diagnostic techniques were continuously improved to provide better guidance for clinical treatment. Surgery was the preferred treatment of hepatic echinococcosis,and drug therapy also played a role in the treatment of hepatic echinococcosis. In the course of treatment should be based on the patient's condition to develop different treatment options. 

Key words hepatic echinococcosis; diagnosis; treatment
